Bologna La Rossa (The Red)

Bologna owes the name “la Rossa” to its famed red buildings and to the fact that it is the birthplace and the home of Italy’s political left. With streets like embroidered cloth threaded with arches of continuous colonnades, now a UNESCO world heritage site, the heart of Bologna is a giant cloister. Above and behind its porticoes, Bologna is a rose-red city of unique churches and undiscovered palaces. The E.C.Co. program’s aim is its students’ cultural and linguistic immersion in the Bolognese and Italian social environment. Continue reading Bologna La Rossa (The Red)

If art is your focus

Bologna has an extraordinary artistic and historical heritage. Aside from its treasure-filled churches, Bologna’s world-renowned Pinacoteca Nazionale is home to some of the greatest Renaissance and Baroque masterpieces in the country, including works by Raphael, Lavinia Fontana, the Carracci brothers, Guido Reni, Guercino, and many others. The E.C.Co. course Renaissance and Early Baroque Art in Bologna: From Vitale da Bologna to Domenichino and Guido Reni takes students out of the classroom and into the churches, palaces, and museums to investigate Bologna’s key role in the art world between the fourteenth and seventeenth centuries. Continue reading If art is your focus

If interested in Science

Are You a STEM Student? UniBo Has the Perfect Course for You!

The University of Bologna has 39 world-class STEM departments and offers hundreds of courses each semester. Popular among E.C.Co. students are Molecular Physiology, and Cognitive Neuroscience. Working with your advisor back home, the E.C.Co. staff can help you find exciting courses appropriate for your major that may incorporate an experience in science labs, which will give you a glimpse into current research at the University of Bologna.

Unibo online courses for Health and Safety Training for Study and Research Areas

Students who intend to take STEM courses are recommended to complete modules 1 and 2 of the Unibo online courses for Health and Safety Training for Study and Research Areas before their arrival in Bologna. The modules are mandatory for attending laboratories that some STEM courses may have. The courses are available in English and can be completed in e-learning.

For more information, please visit this link.

You can find the courses at these links:

Course: Module 1 – Safety General Training | Virtuale (

Course: Module 2 – Safety Specific Training – Low risk | Virtuale (

Continue reading If interested in Science

Major in Computer Science?

Unibo online courses for Health and Safety Training for Study and Research Areas

Students who intend to take STEM courses are recommended to complete modules 1 and 2 of the Unibo online courses for Health and Safety Training for Study and Research Areas before their arrival in Bologna. The modules are mandatory for attending laboratories that some STEM courses may have. The courses are available in English and can be completed in e-learning.

To access the courses, please visit this link.

Did you know that…

When you think of Italy, your mind probably goes straight to art, literature, music, and the other liberal arts.But did you know that the University of Bologna has 39 world-class science departments, as well as science museums and specialized libraries? The Department of Computer Science and Engineering in Bologna is no exception. It consists of more than 60 professors, 44 PhD Students, 41 Permanent Research Fellows, 7 Temporary Research Fellows, and 18 Technical and Administrative Staff and promotes scientific research in all areas of Computer Science. Continue reading Major in Computer Science?

Interested in Human Rights and Gender Studies?

Students interested in human rights and social justice can count on both in-house and UniBo courses, as well as the opportunity to volunteer at one of many local and international organizations.E.C.Co. offers the course Cultural and Social Models in Contemporary Italy, which includes visits to the key sites of the city’s legacy of resistance and struggle for Continue reading Interested in Human Rights and Gender Studies?

Opportunities in International Relations

The University of Bologna is home to a prominent Department of Political Science and International Relations. With students coming from many countries around the world and its prestigious faculty, it is one of the best departments of its kind in Italy. Within SPBO (Scienze Politiche Bologna), E.C.Co. students can choose from a wide range of courses in Continue reading Opportunities in International Relations