Cinzia Venturoli holds a doctorate in History from the University of Bologna and has worked as a researcher there between 2008 and 2015. She has also served as the Director of the Center for Documentation of Terrorism and is currently an adjunct professor in the Department of Education at UniBo. She is also a staff member of the Center for History, Education, and Politics at UniBo. She is in charge of the curricula of the Archivi per non dimenticare and of the Associazione fra i famigliari delle vittime del due agosto. Her research interests are the history of WWII, the Resistance, the post-war period, local history, women’s history, public history and history of education. For many years, she has worked on the 1970s, with a particular focus on political movements, terrorism, and the relationship between society and memory, on which she has published books and articles and curated exhibitions and multi-media productions. She has also been interested in the history and memory related to terrorist attacks, such as the 1980 massacre at the Bologna train station. Among her publications is the book Stragi fra memoria e storia. Piazza Fontana, piazza della Loggia, la stazione di Bologna: dal discorso pubblico all’elaborazione didattica (Sette Città 2010); Il difficile cammino della democrazia percorso cronologico attraverso il terrorismo, le stragi e la criminalità organizzata (1945 – 2002) with Ilaria Moroni (e-book Sette Città 2010); “Donne, rapporti di genere, famiglie” in A. Preti (ed.) Comunità in guerra sull’Appennino. La Linea Gotica tra storia e politiche della memoria, 1944-2014 (Viella 2018); “La Resistenza fra storia, memoria e canzoni” in F. Festa (ed.), Resistenza Illuminata (Pendagron 2018); “Educare attraverso i luoghi: un percorso di educazione alla cittadinanza partendo dalla strage alla stazione di Bologna”, in C. Panciroli (a cura di), Educare nella città: percorsi didattici interdisciplinari nei contesti socio culturali (Franco Angeli, forthcoming).
Rights, Welfare, Justice: Human Rights and Welfare State in European and Italian History