Giacomo Mannironi graduated from the University of Bologna in 2005 and did a PhD in Literary Genres (Comparative Literature) at the University of L’Aquila (2006–2009) where he worked on the relationship between crime and novel in Italian, French and English Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-century novels, and a PhD in Italian Studies at the University of Warwick (UK) (2011-2015). This research was focused on the Eighteenth Century Venetian novel, its market and its readership. He has been Early Career Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies at Warwick University (2015-16). Since 2008 Mannironi collaborated with E.C.Co program, teaching several Intensive Italian for Academic Purposes courses both in Bologna and Lecce.
The Disobedient, the Abnormal and the Criminal in Italian Literature of the Long Nineteenth Century