
Of all American students studying in Bologna, only E.C.Co. students have the privilege of living in the University of Bologna’s own “studentati” (dormitories) with same sex, Italian or international roommates. Most of these apartment-style residences are located in the city center near the University; some are a short bus-ride from the center. They consist of a common living space, a study space, a private bath, and a small kitchen, in addition to two double rooms. The University of Bologna housing authority assigns rooms by a lottery system comparable to those used on the campuses of the three consortial institutions.

The living quarters are all similar with one exception: Forni is an all-female “studentato” and male students are not eligible to live there. The dormitories provide sheets, a comforter, and a pillow; they do not provide towels. Students are responsible for washing their own bed linens in the coin-operated washing machines in each “studentato,” and for keeping their living space tidy and clean. Rooms do not have telephones. All dormitories have wireless internet access.

Ghigi: via Lodovico Berti, 2/2
Fioravanti: via Greta Garbo, 15
Forni: viale Filopanti, 11

Una cena a Ghigi